Monday, May 7, 2018


My last post was a declaration that I'm back on the blogger grid and then I went off it again, of course. This is life, no? I apologize for being scattered but my desire to be committed to this is true. I need to put action to those desires and step by step the writing and posts will come.

Some conversations this past weekend fueled my desire to write here. I was more social in the past three days than I have been in a long time (maybe even in the past three months). And oddly enough many of the conversations I had somehow linked back to food and more specifically the ketogenic diet or "keto". I've been eating a low sugar, low carb, high fat, keto diet for almost four months and have found some decent results. It's not the kind of diet or lifestyle change I talk openly about as I know a)most people don't want to hear about my food, and b)when you tell people you're eating 70%+ of your food as fat they tend to get a little squirrelly. We've been taught that low fat foods and a diet rich in snacking are optimal. There are low fat versions of everything! Without getting into all the examples and facts from documentaries, YouTube videos, articles, books, etc. I'll just say that the ah-ha moment for me was when I realized all this low fat eating isn't making anyone any smaller or healthier. If one way wasn't working for me then why not try another way. Just try it.

So I did and now almost four months after I started I'm down 25lbs and feel more energetic, curbed my sugar cravings, have stopped being 'hangry' all the time, and am finally starting to get a grip on my food issues.

I look a little different now, find myself having to come up with ways of declining baked goods at my kids' playdates, and just generally operating in a carb-heavy world. And a few of these recent incidents have resulted in real conversations about keto and food. It's been fascinating to find out some people around me are also on their own food and weight exploration journey. Some are following a ketogenic diet too or have dabbled in cutting back on sugar.

Maybe I'll post next about my experience in my depth, and document some of my go-to foods and recipes.

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